Suffolk Propane Tank Installation

1000 Gallon Aboveground
1000 Gallon Above Ground Propane Tank
1000 Gallon Propane Tank
This 1000-gal propane tank size is perfect for central heating and hot water heaters. Typically, 1000-gallon propane tanks are used for whole-home systems, home heating, generators, and pool heat. 1000-gallon propane tanks are also used for commercial applications, such as heating, cooking, dry cleaning, and crop drying. The tank is about 4′ 2 15/16″ tall and 16′ 1/4″ in length.
This 1000 gal propane tank size is appropriate for most homes 4500 square feet and larger. It is the common tank size that metered systems for communities will be drawn from. Kleen-Rite offers a 1000-gallon propane tank for sale at the best price from Inter-modal Container Ltd .
With this above-ground 1000-gallon propane tank for sale, you can save installation time and costs compared to underground models. The underground tank requires professionals to excavate your lawn. There’s also the risk of “floating,” meaning that the tank could shift under the ground if it’s not completely settled on a sturdy foundation. Above-ground tanks, such as this, stand several inches off the ground and are safer for flooding conditions.
Above-ground propane tank installation and removal
Some homeowners only need propane to fuel their propane gas fireplaces. Others, however, heat their entire homes with clean-burning propane fuel.
Propane stores well are clean-burning and are easy to refill. Simply lift the lid on the propane tank, and check the gauge inside. The best time to call your propane dealer for a refill is when it’s at 20-30 percent full. Propane is odorless, but an odorant is added to it so that it will give off a smell if it’s leaking. If you have questions about the operation of your appliance or gas systems, contact your local gas dealer. Never allow your gas container to be filled above the maximum safe level. A regulator is required for use to reduce the pressure of the tank to the working, usable pressure.
- Class 150
- ASME certified, meaning that once it’s installed it is not portable
- Above ground tank
- Water Capacity: 1000 Gallons
- Outside Diameter: 41″
- Head Type: Hemi
- Overall Length: 15′ 11″
- Overall Height: 4′ 2 15/16″
- Leg Width: 16 1/4″
- Leg Spacing: 9′ 0″
- Weight Empty: 1737 lbs.
Inter-modal Container Ltd has the residential propane tank sizes and installation services you need to ensure your home is safe and comfortable year-round—at the most affordable price. Our specialists are here to help you determine what tank size and placement best suits your home’s—and your property’s—unique needs. Everything from design, and permits, to excavation, is done by our in-house team.
Propane Tank Installation

Aboveground propane tanks are designed to withstand a variety of natural elements, from rain and snow to extreme heat and cold, and are available for purchase.
1,000 Gallon Propane Tank (Horizontal)
Once you’ve made the wise decision to turn to propane to power some or all of your appliances, such as your furnace, endless hot water heater, and an alternate heat source such as a stove or fireplace, you’re going to need a place to store that gas.
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